Pollution in the Ocean Facts and Solutions

General | 8 min Read
solutions to stop ocean pollution

The source and the most significant component of life on earth, oceans! But are we aware of what human-caused threats we expose the oceans to? These vast and mystifying waters may seem intimidating to some. Still, they are so fragile and deteriorated by the environmental pollution and climate crisis we have triggered.  Today, pollution in the ocean is one of the most crucial problems of our planet.

Ocean waste is a subject that almost everyone has heard of but does not know the details about. However, trash pollution in the ocean directly affects more than 800 animal species and indirectly affects everyone else, and this number is in danger of increasing day by day. That is, threats seeming far away may be deeply rooted in your life. Let’s look at the ocean pollution facts and the causes of the polluted ocean.

ocean polluytion statistics

Most Common Causes of Ocean Pollution

Obviously, the problem is the incredible amount of waste, but the real question is: How much trash is in the oceans? That sounds shocking but according to recent ocean pollution statistics, each year between 4 and 12 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans, mostly for single use. Moreover, that amount can be tripled in the next 20 years! Yet, although plastic seems to be the leading enemy and especially the main reason for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, other factors are also highly consequential. 

What are other ocean pollution causes? 

As you can see, ocean water pollution comes from the land. Due to low recycling rates and poor waste management, most waste mixes with water from landfills. Irregular and informal waste collection practices also make things more complicated. Eventually, waste streams reach the oceans, causing a new global ocean garbage crisis and danger to the marine environment. After all, single-use products that we think make our lives easier come back to us as health problems and ecological threats! To better understand the risks, we should take a closer look at the effects and facts about trash in the ocean.

facts about trash in the ocean

Pollution in the Ocean Effects

Statistics of ocean pollution show that the central problem is the insensitive production and usage of plastic. So how exactly does plastic pollution and other wastes in the ocean affect living things?

  • Oil spills can choke animals by penetrating their gills. Those who do not die suffer from diseases such as cancer and reproductive and nutritional problems.
  • Most marine species mistake it for food and go after plastic debris. This prevents them from eating and plastic accumulates in their bodies.
  • Debris accumulation results in less oxygen in the ocean and in the death of marine animals. If oxygen depletion gets too big in an area, that place becomes a dead zone where no one can survive.
  • Ocean pollutants also get back to people with contamination of the food chain. Tiny toxic organisms are eaten by some animals and become seafood someday. This poses vital health problems, from cancer to birth problems.

These are the most striking facts about ocean pollution. Unfortunately, there is more!

Some Dramatic Pollution in the Ocean Facts

  • As long as plastic usage continues like this, in 2050, considered the critical threshold for the climate and the world’s future, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
  • 500.000-1 million tons of ghost fishing equipment, such as lost, discarded, or abandoned fishing gear, gets into the oceans annually to harm marine life.
  • 3 billion people depend on fish as food, but microplastics are rising from 15 to 51 trillion particles, weighing between 205-520 million pounds. 
  • Marine animals, plantP, and microbes can take plastics far from their natural range by ocean rafting. Then, non-native species can cause heavy damage to biodiversity by introducing pathogens and altering habitats.
  • Plastics accumulating in the ocean are decomposed by factors such as waves and heat and cause greenhouse gas emissions. Aggravating the climate crisis, plastics endanger marine life, including coral reefs, which are vital for preventing carbon emissions.
  • 80% of sewage flows in the Mediterranean Sea are untreated.
  • Ocean plastics can circle the Earth 400 times.

It seems there is no time to waste!

trash pollution in the ocean

What Can We Do to Prevent Ocean Pollution?

We are all responsible for this picture and we can no longer afford to delay. Although many practices, from international agreements to official regulations, have been implemented, some things can be done individually for ocean pollution solutions, especially in plastics.

  • Avoid single-use plastics and learn more about plastic recycling technologies.
  • Change your understanding of packaging.
  • When you see a litter feel free to collect and dispose of it.
  • Avoid choosing products containing microbeads.
  • In fact, the main thing you need to do is keep these three rules in mind, reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Spread the word! Do not stop sharing what you know, participating in related events, and showing your support for the laws.

Although these are critical steps, the more important part is efficient and sustainable waste management in every field. Meet Evreka, which offers a system capable of responding to all waste management cases!

pollution in the ocean facts

Sustainable Waste Management Leader: Evreka

Evreka sets out with a team that cares about the world’s problems and evaluates waste management within this framework. Therefore, EvrekaCrew does not see its activities as only providing state-of-the-art waste management solutions for zero waste. It is aware that its products are actually solutions to stop ocean pollution and contribute to preventing the effects of the climate crisis.

Thanks to the most comprehensive waste management platform, every stage from collection to highest quality recycling is managed with plans and a tracking system based on real-time data.

Recycling centers and MRF Management

The solutions offered by Evreka for the recycling center and materials recovery facilities (MRFs) eliminate the industry’s most substantial problems, such as fair pricing, trackability, and transparency. Like this:

  • Managers can view every material in facilities via a mobile app anytime.
  • Inbound and outbound control is maximized.
  • Managers can determine and control the operations according to real-time data.
  • Operators can optimize actions without missing the smallest piece on the line.
  • Bulk is sorted, categorized, and priced as needed.
  • Overall, a sustainable, cost-effective, and energy-efficient waste management system is guaranteed in every stage.

If you want to stop this problem, contact us today and become a part of Evreka’s cutting-edge and global waste management world!


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