Take Your E-Waste Out of The Bin

eWaste | 4 min Read
Take your e-waste out of the bin

The primary motivation for waste disposal is environmental and public health safety. Garbage and waste will pollute the air and water. Garbage spoilage often produces poisonous gases, which are mixed with air and can affect human respiration. Now, let’s move on to electronic waste (e-waste), its characteristics, and how to dispose of e-waste using smart waste management solutions.

Electronic waste includes all electronic products and appliances that have reached the end of their useful lives or have become obsolete due to the introduction of new technologies.

49 million tons of e-waste were generated in 2012 with the US contributing the most. 

obsolete electronic devices

Unfortunately, most people simply toss out obsolete electronic devices like the rest of their trash, which ends up in landfills, polluting the atmosphere further due to hazardous materials. In fact, all electronic waste contains hazardous chemicals including:

  • Cadmium
  • Mercury
  • Beryllium
  • Brominated flame retardants

When gadgets and equipment are improperly disposed of, these chemicals contaminate the soil, pollute the environment, and leach into water bodies. At that point, it is quite crucial to accomplish the e-waste pickup process in a most optimal and environment-friendly manner. To succeed this, electronic recycling management software enables electronic waste recyclers to collect and generate reports that meet government reporting requirements, such as the sources, types, weight, and quantity of materials received, material movement, downstream vendor shipping records, and so on, by entering critical data during daily operations.

The following features and functions are

The following features and functions are included in electronic waste recycling management software developed specifically for the e-waste recycling industry:

  • Client/Source management
  • Client online shipment tracking database
  • Reporting
  • Receiving, processing, barcoding, tracking, dismantling, asset registrations, etc.
  • Incoming & outgoing shipment management 
  • Logistics preparing for both incoming & outgoing shipments
  • Invoicing & settlement
E-waste recyclers

E-waste recyclers can confidently meet a variety of requirements and challenges with the help of electronics recycling management software. You can also click here and find out how e e-waste collection with QR and RFID technology advances the e-waste disposal process together with e-waste tracking.

What about Evreka?

Evreka is the most comprehensive waste management platform producing cutting-edge solutions using advanced technologies across the globe. 

To find all the answers you need, you can download Evreka’s Fundamentals of E-waste Management & Recycling e-book for free just by clicking here!

Check out Evreka’s all-in-one solutions! 


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