All-in-Details of Recycling Myths to Save Your Pocket

Recycling | 10 min Read
how does recycling reduce carbon emissions

What do you save when you recycle? First of all, recycling is a complex system dictated by market demand, price determinations, and local regulations. Most importantly, it forms the basis for our planet’s future, sustainable development. Let’s forget the recycling myths and focus on these facts!

Obviously, this requires enormous operations and global cooperation, whose success depends on efficient waste management. The first myth is already broken, recycling cannot be an individual effort alone! Everyone from the product designer to the garbage collector, the recycling plant worker, and even citizens are responsible for correctly applying the waste hierarchy. It goes without saying that we consumers play an essential role in this circular thought. But how?

Why Do We Recycle?

Although the number of people who think like this is less, the following question has been on people’s minds for a long time: Is recycling a myth? Of course not! However, this belief persisted for years due to:

  • Old and inefficient technologies
  • Reduction to individual efforts
  • Companies going greenwashing 
  • Deceiving the public for profit. 
recycling myths

Fortunately, scientists and international organizations have proven the impact of recycling on preventing the current resource crisis and the irreversible effects of the climate crisis. What we need to do to save the planet is that simple: 

  • Pay attention to our consumption 
  • Trace the garbage we create and reduce if possible with zero-waste efforts
  • Demand public institutions and the private sector for adequate waste management regulations

To summarize, we want to recycle to help the environment and reduce the effects of global warming. Ultimately, our goal is to leave forthcoming generations a livable and sustainable future.

What Factors Impact Recycling Efforts?

Generally, two elements affect recycling: Market and city management, namely, municipal solid waste management. Think about it. If there is no demand from the market first, it makes no sense to throw the waste in the recycling bin. 

After all, recyclers pay for your recyclables. In case of less or no demand, it goes to landfills for disposal. Secondly, you need to know the local government’s types of recycling systems. However, most consumers still have some common recycling misconceptions. Come on, let’s fix these wrongs!

ıs recycling environmentally friendly

Common Misconceptions About Recycling and Some Facts

Let’s break down the recycling myths and have a look at the facts!

  • Not all plastics are recyclable. For example, plastic cups and lids containing polypropylene, which fast-food companies frequently use, cannot be recycled.
  • Each time plastic is recycled, the polymer chain gets shorter and its quality decreases.
  • You can’t recycle dirty plastic before cleansing.

Perhaps because of such facts, the question is common: Is recycling plastic a myth? However, when we look at the plastic recycling details, it is obvious what we can gain as a form of energy or secondary material. Consequently, preparations for a United Nations agreement to regulate this issue internationally have begun due to the environmental problems of single-use plastics. Comprehensive plastic recycling solutions are also indispensable to meet the needs of this market! Let’s look at other exciting recycling facts:

  • Recycled materials content is environmental information that is typically a label. Still, just because a product has a recycling mark doesn’t mean it’s recycled. While the new Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Union specifically addresses greenwashing, you can too.
  • Unlike plastic, glass and scrap metal (including aluminum) can be recycled endlessly without losing quality or purity in the product.
  • Recycling a ton of paper saves 7,000 gallons of water and 17 mature trees.
  • E-waste forms 2% of landfills but accounts for 70% of toxic waste.
recycled materials content is environmental information that is typically

Is Recycling Environmentally Friendly Really?

Regarding causes and results, recycling is like the dictionary equivalent of eco-friendly. However, recycling operations have the potential to create complete chaos. The world’s economic income gap is getting wider and the wealthier are producing more waste. Developed countries that cannot cope with this excess waste export their garbage to developing countries. 

Unfortunately, the outcome is a complete mess. Garbage workers in developing countries make a living in dirty and dangerous conditions leading to painful and life-long diseases. For example, the Agbogbloshie district in Ghana was the world’s largest digital dump. Because of the amount of e-waste, there was a high cancer rate. It seems that we can overcome the global garbage crisis with the help of international solidarity and high-tech solutions instead of postponing or covering it up. With efficient recycling, we will:

  • Get rid of our health problems.
  • Protect biodiversity and natural resources.
  • Find a real solution for the resource problem.
  • Transit the circular economy with safe and cost-effective methods.
  • By following the waste and production life cycle, we can reduce carbon emissions at every stage.
  • Do our best to meet the 2050 climate targets!

How Does Recycling Reduce Carbon Emissions?

Project Drawdown estimate that if people recycle products and packaging between 2020 and 2050, they can help reduce emissions by over 5.5 gigatons. This is equivalent to taking 1 billion cars off the road! 

Moreover, this is the reason recycling processes require less energy compared to raw material extraction. For example, using aluminum scraps to produce cans reduces energy use by 95% compared to making aluminum cans from raw materials. 

How to Improve Recycling?

Recycling is essential on the road to a circular economy. That’s why new legislation and laws are being enacted all around the world. Here are a few examples of them:

Expanded Producer Responsibility (EPR) Plastic and Packaging Invoices

In Maine and Oregon, manufacturers are responsible for the packaging they use. They have to fund programs to collect and recycle their packaging waste

Additionally, in Oregon, manufacturers are required to pay an annual membership fee to improve their recycling facilities.

Common misconceptions about recycling

Compost Law

There is an efficient composting rule in California. Food residues have to be composted in residences and workplaces. Restaurants, grocery stores, and hospitals must donate at least 20% of their excess edible food to programs that feed the hungry.

Yet, just legislation is not enough.Technical power and know-how is just as important to implement legislation. This is where Evreka come into play with smart waste management!

is plastic recycling a myth

Evreka is at Your Side

Waste management is vital for operational efficiency in recycling centers. As a global waste management company, Evreka eliminates difficulties with end-to-end solutions. Cutting-edge software and hardware technology make your recycling business more agile and efficient. 

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Management

Evreka MRF Management solution provides every need of your facility for waste collection, sorting, recycling logictics, and selling to end-buyers. You can plan smooth operations, from recording vast inbound materials to complex outbound streams. Main benefits are:

  • Advanced inventory tracking
  • Better business decisions with real-time data
  • Agile optimization with in-depth planning
  • Material flow analysis
  • Maximum inbound/outbound control
  • Customizable reports based on real-time data
  • Total digital control
  • Mobile app

EPR Management and PROs

Thanks to the Evreka EPR Management module, you will not have to worry about the chain of custody and complex details! This way, you can achieve:

  • Full transparency of the whole process
  • Customizable reports with real-time data
  • Digitalization of PRO activities by integrating disparate data streams
  • Easy communication between PROs, producers, and other stakeholders
  • Fair progress payment calculation for all participators
  • End-to-end control over all material recovery processes

Operations Management

Digitizing all the actions under one roof, Evreka Operations Management module offers seamless field service. Main benefits are:

  • Advanced management
  • Real-time operational tracking
  • Easy task creation and control
  • Increased operational efficiency via route optimization
  • Supervising all daily routes or schedules
  • Customizable reports
  • Decreased scale turnaround times and associated risks (financial, functional, and HSE)

Contact us now for information and advice on recycling software! 


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