Fleet Management Centralization & Covid-19

Route Optimization | 5 min Read
Fleet Management Centralization

Global pandemic of Covid-19 hit the global economy & our traditional methods of living, from industries to households, massively in all aspects of our lives. We had to stay home, keep the distance & put on our masks to keep on living like we never used to live. To give an immediate response to fight the pandemic, governments had to impose strict restrictions which some are not expected to be lifted for 5 to 10 years.

As a consequence, trying to prevent this infection caused us around 4.4% of shrink in global economic growth, only in a year! It is also the greatest  economic challenge we have faced since the Great Depression considering the conditions of the time. 

Responding Back

Furthermore, when it comes to fighting with this one common enemy, we have developed face masks, robots & some other IoT managed devices to get us some time to find the cure. Consistent production of these materials has also made supply chain management a greater concern than it ever was.

We had to find new methods to prevent the spread of the disease while working on fighting it in factories, fields, service industries, and many others to reduce face to face human interaction. With the new solutions, we also encounter with new problems especially regarding the environment & waste management.

Importance of Waste Management Solutions

The hazardous & liquid waste that the pandemic brought into our lives requires special care while not risking anymore lives in the field. Fortunately, there are numerous software and hardware solutions for different waste management areas to meet these goals:

  • Reduce the number of employees in the waste management industry to protect their lives.
  • Lower the costs to protect our businesses from the economic effects.
  • Adapt the new sub-concepts of Industry 4.0 & digitalization.

Centralized Fleet Management is one of these areas where software and hardware solutions can be implemented together in an optimal & compatible way in the waste management industry.

Things That Change Can Offer

Changing fleet management systems from decentralized to centralized in waste management, 

  • Improves the time spent for collection & transportation operations up to 67% with route optimization calculated by the algorithms by taking actual moment traffic, route and vehicle data into consideration controlled in a single center.
  • Offers the option to track live location & condition of each vehicle to measure assets’ up to date efficiency & conditions and also employee performance by around 45%.
  • Reduces the fuel consumption as much as the total length of the route optimized which also leads to less carbon footprint created.
  • Fewer vehicles leads to higher fulfillment of vehicle capacity(less risk of infection with less drivers)
  • Using the data provided by the hardware future maintenance activities & potential technical problems can be detected & fixed before which can save a high amount of costs.
  • Takes way less effort to track and manage the operation by the dashboards & reports created by the software can reduce the time at supervisor & managerial level up to 80%.
  • Also, fleet management software can be implemented to hauler rental fleets with a great integration in the times where own assets are not enough.
  • Can be used with other IoT technologies & SLA services used Smart Cities on the way of making our cities ready for smarter & cleaner.

As Evreka, we provide our innovative solutions with latest technologies flexible and customizable to our partners in waste management to fight with the global pandemic & make our cities smarter and greener. Contact us now and find the cure for your operations!


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