Waste & material traceability solution for sustainable facilities
The success of an organization is linked to achieving targeted key results. Setting the right targets based on capabilities and resources is one of the realistic approaches to success. Companies should properly assess and efficiently use their resources. Every industry has unique dynamics and companies have to adapt to changing environmental factors. To keep up with the challenging environment, leaders of the organizations need to control, assess, and allocate resources.
A proactive approach is a must in a dynamic and competitive environment. Another must is to orchestrate the entire organization in implementing managerial decisions. One of the most useful ways to do so is by allocating rare and valuable resources that will eventually influence the organization’s long-term performance compared to its competitors. What are these resources?
There are three types of individual resources of a company. The first one is tangible, the second is intangible, and the third is human resources. Physical (land, equipment, inventory), financial, and structural assets are considered tangible resources. Goodwill, intellectual properties (patents, trademarks, copyrights), brand recognition, and reputation are considered intangible resources. Training, expertise, skills, and productivity are considered human resources.
Intangible resources are very often more valuable than tangible resources because they are invisible. Even though we can see or touch humans, the value created by human resources goes beyond the products and services they provide. A knowledgeable and creative workforce could be considered as examples of human resources.
Effectiveness in human resources is as important as in the other resources. Companies might struggle to adapt to changing environmental factors if they limit their focus to products and business processes. To overcome organizational struggles, leaders of organizations should work hard to engage employees in order to maintain profitability and success. Under such factors, effectiveness in the use of an individual’s skill is critical.
Like other industries, success in the waste management industry is also linked to allocating resources according to the set targets. Along with physical assets like inventories, smart bins, smart waste management hardware and software, garbage trucks, and workforce are some of the primary resources of waste management companies. Managers are responsible for operational excellence in any stage of the business process. In solid waste management companies, unwanted events occur mostly in field operations, whether it is a complicated problem related to containers or an undone cleaning task.
Fortunately, technological improvements bring solutions to the waste problems and increase the effectiveness of the allocated resources, which eventually contribute to the success of an organization. For instance, employee management solution provide real-time tracking, management, and analysis of employees, which increases planning and cost-efficiency.
Employee effectiveness can be sustained and analyzed by productivity monitoring systems. These systems ensure that operations are managed systematically. Encouraging accountability, keeping track of the attendance and movement data, and simplified communication between manager and employee are some of the benefits of this solution.
Evreka helps municipalities and private entities ensure operational excellence and gain a competitive advantage by providing comprehensive smart waste management solutions. EvrekaCrew is always ready to guide you through the implementation of intelligent solutions.
Meet workforce tracker solution to manage your human resources better!