Fleet Tracking Software, Is Your Fleet Still On The Radar?

Route Optimization | 6 min Read
Fleet Tracking software can make you save up to thosounds with thanks to smart solutions

Waste management is an industry that consists of numerous elements. Under this industry, there are sub-areas like waste collection, collection route management, solid waste management, hazardous & medical waste management, vehicle tracking, etc. On the point where the main concern is collection route management or vehicle tracking, fleet tracking software may come in handy.

Furthermore, fleet tracking or management also covers many other conerns and each of them may be solved through fleet tracking software. Before talking about these items and how they can benefit your business in-depth, we need to know what fleet tracking software is? 

The Definition of Fleet Tracking Software

Fleet tracking software can be defined as all the digital software components that can organize, schedule & track the garbage truck routing or solid waste routing to improve route & fleet efficiency. It is also widely known as route optimization software for waste collection in the waste management industry. 

These technologies have come into our businesses in the last two decades. We started to change and make our businesses evolve in a more digitalized way. Traditional methods of route planning are left behind and we started fleet tracking software or in other words route optimization software for waste collection operations.

How Can Vehicle Tracking Software & Routing Optimization Software for Waste Collection Benefit Your Business?

Route Optimization & fleet tracking software are two interrelated topics that brings ease into our businesses.

Evolving Waste Collection Routes Continuously 

An example in solid waste management routes is mostly fixed & does not require hurry but can vary from municipal waste to industrial waste. To meet the consumer or customer demands waste management businesses may need to speed up their waste collection operations through waste collection software.

With the highly optimized routes, you can just run your fleet tracking software and receive live traffic and route data. Also, you can observe the level of capacity of your trucks and smart bins and continuously develop a better route for your collection route through collection route software. 

Managing New Inquiries 

Skip hire business inquiries, municipalities with citizen applications, or industrial waste-producing clients, all these stakeholders may have sudden waste collection demands, and to meet those demands garbage truck routing software or solid waste routing software may become the first smart waste management solution to consider. In this scenario, you can easily accept the inquiry through your collection route software interface from a single center and can send a waste collection truck of the right capacity and type to the customer. 

With waste management applications they can file their problems or requests and you can view and track them by receiving them on vehicle tracking software. By using this method you can always have enough vehicles ready on your premises and use them in the right capacity for waste collection requests.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

In the systems of route optimization software for waste collection, routes evolve continuously and develop in better ways to tackle the unexpected struggles and reach out to the customer to ensure garbage truck routing software or solid waste routing software efficiency. 

By optimizing the collection routes through fleet or vehicle tracking software, you use the shortest, fastest and safest routes. This development also leads to less fuel consumption which can help you to save up to thousands of dollars every month. Also by reducing fuel consumption your business becomes more responsible towards the environment thanks to vehicle tracking software.

Relation of Vehicle Tracking Software, Vehicle Lifetime & Route Safety

Tracking driver behaviour is a fundamental part of fleet tracking software to ensure route safety.

Last but not least vehicle tracking software offers your business the chance to view potential garbage trucks break out our failures before they happen so you can perform the required actions beforehand and it can give your vehicles a longer lifetime. Also by preventing these failures, potential accidents that can risk asset & public safety will be avoided through fleet tracking software.

On the driver behavior side, you can always get warnings when a driver exceeds the speed limit up to a point or performs unusual and risky driving behavior using the fleet tracking software. This can help you to boost employee performance and safety with ease.

All these benefits and technologies are available at your service through Evreka’s smart waste management solutions as fleet tracking software and many others. Contact us now to ensure better routing for your business and make your business grow to the next level!


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