Citizen Apps & Mobile Governance

Citizen App | 5 min Read

With the era of information technology, mobile applications have become a remarkable part of our lives. There are myriad applications about any topic that one can think of. Governance & Municipal activities are also a party of this grand relationship in the trend of mobilization where we want everything available on our fingertips. Mobile Governance or citizen apps are now a great new method to ensure citizen satisfaction.

It’s now possible to track citizens’ problems & satisfaction & feedback using these citizen apps only after understanding three main aspects of it completely, Mobile Governance, importance of citizen apps in Engagement, and areas of major use.

It’s now possible to track citizens’ problems, satisfaction levels & feedbacks using Citizen Apps with the innovative solutions of the new era but how?

What Is Mobile Governance?

Mobile Governance can be defined briefly as all of the services that are provided by the governmental authorities using technological advances. From government websites to municipal waste management apps, traffic management systems to mobile tax payment systems. Increasing demand in mobile and internet devices are making citizens more dependent on citizen services & apps.

Likewise, increasing screen time also drives us to be more wanting of convenient services on our phones and electronic devices. In return local authorities like municipalities are trying to develop their services to be applicable mostly on citizen apps & websites. Even though the transition to these platforms takes some effort, they provide long term benefits to all stakeholders.

Why Are Citizen Apps Important for Local Administrations?

Demands & needs of citizens can’t be expected or predictable all the time just like daily life itself. These needs and demands require immediate attention which may not be possible with time & options we have. Citizen Satisfaction Apps/ E-citizen Apps proves their convenience at this point. Incase of junk pile up or a bulky trash bin gets lighted up. These apps are easily the first use of citizens to report such events when they happen or even before.

On the other hand, it also eases the load of work municipalities in management of such events by bringing up citizens to the table as a partner on the field. Citizen apps are able to save up to millions depending on the size of the population of users.

Major Areas of Application

It’s now possible to track citizens’ problems, satisfaction levels & feedbacks using Citizen Apps with the innovative solutions of the new era but how?

Citizen apps are used in Smart City projects,  public health, elections, local administration & waste management. Especially during the times of Covid-19, citizen apps are now in use to track home quarantined citizens, their needs & state of health. In elections & local administrations these apps are in use to make citizen engagement higher in the decision making and also make these operations more convenient.

Last but not least when it comes to waste management, xitizen apps are one of the most innovative ways of waste management with the new technological advancements. Citizens are now one of the major responsible to keep their neighborhoods clean and safe from problems related to waste management. They can report problems of any kind from hazardous to e-waste produced in residential areas.

Besides, wthe ability to report these problems given to citizens with citizen apps, research shows that there is an over 50% decrease in the complaints filed regarding the waste management problems.

Recycling Is Better Now

Also with the recycling side of the waste management aspects of citizen apps, recycling becomes easier to sustain and local residents become more responsible about climate change starting from their own environment.

To finalize, with the advantages of latest technological trends and services like the CleanCity of Evreka, our local communities now have the chance to develop into a better state by adapting the conditions of the era for a greener future.

Contact us now to make your municipality’s citizen satisfaction & waste management more sustainable and innovative with the creative solutions of Evreka. Let’s work for the goal of making our cities smarter & greener!


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