Use Cases

Bulk Material Handling from / to Customers

Handle Bulk Materials With Ease And Achieve Customer Satisfaction

Throwing the details that we think will somehow be resolved into the background can fag us badly in the future, like the bulk material left over from production activities. It is up to you to turn this bulk material into capital rather than a drudgery. For this, you need lots of preliminary planning to ensure streamlining, safety, and efficiency.

Briefly, bulk material handling is the movement, protection, storage, and control of materials around a facility. Even though all the activities run in parallel, materials are received from customers, stored and/or processed, then finally allocated to another customer. The central part is transporting materials; the secondary operation is storage, mixing, blending, automation, and other needs. In the end, you will have the required material and re-transform it in the highest quality.

Besides, material receipt and allocation activities could be upon request or scheduled. Price management and invoicing of them could be in the picture as well. If we count the most common sectors:

• E-waste sorting and recycling
• Paper recycling
• Municipal waste sorting
• Tire recycling
• Plastic recycling
• Metal recycling can be listed.

For a circular economy, you need to handle material recovery to transform resources in the most quality way. EvrekaCrew offers you the best-in-industry waste sorting process and recycling automation solutions.

  • Minimize operational risks at facilities

    • Real-time operational insights

    • Eliminating trackability and sorting problems of bulk materials

    • Total control over material conversion and recycling rates

    • Advanced inventory management

    • Automation and scalability of facility processes

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  • Fair and transparent handling services

    • Transparent and instant knowledge flow to customers

    • Seamless communication between different entities and stakeholders

    • Maximum profitability with appropriate pricing

    • Reduced operational costs per unit of revenue

    • Boosted customer satisfaction through customer self-service, automation, and quicker payments

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  • Key to advanced management

    • Maximum productivity for streamlining daily actions 

    • Less administrative workflow with management support and reporting

    • Paperless operations in each step

    • A central location for creating, editing, and deploying metrics

    • Converging all data into one structured system by integrating disparate streams

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  • Cutting-edge waste operations for material recovery

    • Reduced scale turnaround times and associated risks (financial, operational, and H&S)

    • Improved inbound logistics and outbound logistics

    • Green waste services with route optimization

    • Safe operations and order management

    • Time, cost, and energy-efficient bulk material handling services

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  • After customers place an order using the Customer Portal, this order immediately becomes a task for the managers, thanks to the system integration. The first step is belonging to the dispatch managers for planning the demanded activities. They can monitor the real-time performance/status of tasks. Tasks are organized in an efficient data-driven manner and assigned to fieldworkers. Then, fieldworkers complete the tasks in traceable and the most efficient way through proof of fulfillment details. 

    Meanwhile, task statuses can be monitored by both back-office and managers as well as customers. Via effective field performance and simplified management, the tracking problem is eliminated and the operation is optimized. Thanks to the operational insights obtained, it is possible to improve the process and make it customizable at every step.

Transport, sort, store, control, and manage your bulk materials with unique solutions. Be a pioneer in the sector through efficient material recovery.

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